In a live conversation with IVY, Dr. Parker pinpoints five key threats to national security and sets out a comprehensive vision for addressing these threats to create both a safer United States and a more peaceful world.
In this compelling discussion, Dr. Parker sheds light on key threats to national security and sets out a comprehensive vision for how to address these threats. Drawing on insights from his latest book, Guaranteeing America’s Security in the Twenty-First Century, Dr. Parker demonstrates how new approaches, along with time-proven strategies, are needed to counter these threats to create both a safer United States and a more peaceful world.
The 5 Key Threats to National Security:
1. State Actors
2. Hybrid of Non-State Actors + WMDs + Instability
3. National Debt & Inflation Impact
4. National Disunity
5. Growing Level of Displaced PersonsSame content as this: